WIC Sign-Ups

WIC Sign-Ups
17 17 people viewed this event.
Come learn about the WIC program and how it can help you and your family!
What is WIC?
- A program for moms, babies, and kids under 5.
- Helps with healthy food, tips for eating better, and breastfeeding support.
What are the Benefits?
- Free healthy food like fruits, veggies, milk, and bread.
- Advice on eating and staying healthy.
- Support and help with breastfeeding.
- Connections to doctors and other programs you may need.
Why Come to This Event?
- Find out if you qualify for WIC.
- Ask questions and talk to WIC staff.
- See how WIC can help you and your family.
Who Should Come?
- Pregnant women, moms, and guardians of kids under 5.
- Anyone curious about WIC.
Join us to see if WIC is the right fit for you!