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Central Florida Diaper Bank


  • Maternity
  • Mother-Baby
  • Parenting

The Central Florida Diaper Bank is the region’s only diaper distribution network; however, they are more than a diaper bank!

Their mission is to advocate and encourage healthy growth, nutrition, and development for children from newborn to age three. Even more than that, they provide pregnancy and basic needs resources, parenting education, and linkage to community resources to pregnant and parenting at-risk mothers, fathers, and guardians with infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 to address Social Determinants of Health.

Three of their main programs are

  • Parent Learning Academy: Weekly Zoom sessions include topics that impact parents and their children. Topics include Prenatal, Post Partum, Breast Feeding, Safe Sleep, Financial Literacy, Children’s Story Hour, ESOL, and Mental Health awareness.
  • Healthy Babies: Promotes the well-being, healthy growth and development of babies through the provision of diapers, nutritional items, wipes, other baby items and education.
  • Nutritional Programs: Assures that families are able to meet their baby’s nutritional needs through the emergency food pantry where we provide baby formula.

This resource is only available for residents in Orange, Lake, Osceola, Polk, and Seminole County.

For the full list of eligibility requirements, visit Our Families – Central Florida Diaper Bank

For more information on CFL Diaper Bank, visit Home CFL Diaper Bank – Central Florida Diaper Bank
