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Foreclosure Prevention Counseling


  • Housing

Foreclosure counseling is unbiased advice and guidance for homeowners worried about potentially losing their home to foreclosure.

As scary as it may feel to fall behind on your mortgage, there are steps you can take to rehabilitate your loan and keep you in your home.

Money Management International is proud to offer foreclosure prevention counseling for free to any homeowner concerned about their ability to manage their monthly mortgage payments. Whether you’re already behind or you’ve only just begun to struggle with your monthly mortgage, our experts can help you find the best solution for your unique situation.

Are you:

  • Worried about making next month’s mortgage payment?
  • Already one or more months behind on your mortgage payments?
  • Scared of potentially losing your house for non-payment?

No matter how far along you are in the process, a foreclosure counselor can provide advice and help you avoid foreclosure if possible.

The sooner you act, however, the more foreclosure prevention options you’ll have. If you’re considering reaching out for help but don’t think things are bad enough yet, connect with a counselor immediately. Foreclosure counseling is free and comes with no strings attached.

For more information or to get started, visit: Foreclosure Prevention & Counseling Services | MMI (
