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Trimester Tips


  • Mother-Baby

Pregnancy is split up into three different trimesters and each one brings new experiences as your body nurtures and supports your growing baby.

First Trimester (1-13 Weeks)

During the first trimester, your body is working hard to develop your baby’s organs and body systems. You may not see a visible bump yet, but major growth is happening inside.

What to Expect:

  • Increased hormone levels, which can cause mood swings and fatigue
  • Possible symptoms like morning sickness, food cravings or aversions, and tender breasts
  • Light bleeding, which can be normal, but severe pain or bleeding should be reported to a doctor
  • Your first ultrasound, where you may see your baby for the first time

How to Prepare:

  • Get plenty of rest and listen to your body’s needs
  • Eat a balanced diet to support your baby’s early development
  • Find a supportive community of family and friends
  • Contact your doctor if you experience extreme nausea, dehydration, or painful bleeding

Second Trimester (14-26 Weeks)

Many women feel better during the second trimester as nausea and fatigue lessen. This is often called the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy.

What to Expect:

  • More energy and a growing baby bump
  • Skin changes like a “pregnancy glow” and stretch marks
  • The appearance of the linea nigra, a dark line on the abdomen that fades after pregnancy
  • Your baby’s movements may begin to feel like little flutters
  • A full anatomy ultrasound, where you can find out your baby’s gender if you choose

How to Prepare:

  • Start wearing comfortable maternity clothes
  • Stay active with light exercise to support your growing body
  • Discuss self-care options with your doctor for skin changes
  • Continue attending regular prenatal checkups

Third Trimester (27-40 Weeks)

This final stage is filled with excitement and preparation as your baby continues to grow and get ready for birth.

What to Expect:

  • More obvious baby movements and kicks
  • Increased discomfort, including back pain, shortness of breath, and frequent urination
  • Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions for labor
  • A natural nesting instinct, giving you the energy to prepare for your baby’s arrival

How to Prepare:

  • Pack a hospital bag with essentials for labor and postpartum recovery
  • Finalize your birth plan and discuss it with your doctor or doula
  • Arrange for baby essentials like a car seat, crib, diapers, and clothing
  • Be aware that your due date is only an estimate—your baby may arrive earlier or later

If you need assistance with baby supplies or financial resources, Hope Florida can help.

Call 833-GET HOPE (438-4673) to connect with a Hope Navigator for guidance and support.

Pregnancy is a time of change, excitement, and preparation.

Surround yourself with support and take each trimester one step at a time. Soon, you’ll be holding your little one in your arms!

Click here to learn more.
